Tuesday, May 19, 2009

thillerson checked in at Brightkite HQ

I'm now a mobile developer for Brightkite. I'm going to be working on the existing mobile apps that we have, specifically for iPhone, and also getting a few new ones out to the peoples.

It's going to be awesome. If you're not already on Brightkite, you should be, and once you are, friend me as thillerson

Friday, May 15, 2009

Number 8

I'm number 8.

That's an important number to me, and has been for three years now. I was the 8th person to join on to a small, merry band of nerds and put my own desk together at 18th and Grant in May of 2006. It's been a great ride and it's taken me places I never thought I would go.

Today is my last day at EffectiveUI. I'm not leaving because I've grown tired of working with these guys or because I don't believe in EffectiveUI anymore, because I haven't and I still do. If I could still work with the people I've worked with the last three or so years forever, I would.

I'm leaving because I'm burnt out dealing with client work, that's all. I'm going to another company (which I'll blog about later) which will let me focus on a product I believe in and continue to make it better iteration after iteration - not just until the budget runs out. It's always tough when you want to do more and take a project to the next step and the next step after that, but business realities get in the way. I know that the product world has as many problems as a service company, but I'm ready to meet them head on now.

It's tough, but it's a good choice for me. I'm glad that I'll only be 5 blocks away from EUI, so I'll be stopping in regularly and making sure I don't lose touch. I hope that my new company can continue to be a client of EffectiveUI too.

I was number 8!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

RailsConf 09: Flex on Rails with RubyAMF

RailsConf has been a fun time so far. It's halfway through the second day, which is the first of regular sessions. I went to the tutorial sessions on Chef and Sinatra yesterday and caught up on some things I've been behind on, like Rack.

On Thursday I'll be talking at 10:45 on Flex and Rails using RubyAMF. I'll describe how things fit together, workflow, and all the basics that people may have heard before, but also spend a little time on the future and begging for help.

Here are links to the slides and code