Sunday, March 29, 2009

Web 2.0 version 3 (for me)

I'm fine tuning (read: writing) my examples for my Tuesday session at Web 2.0 "Building Your First Android Experience". Pretty soon I may even getting around to packing.

I can't believe it's been two years since my first Web 2.0. And now I get to talk about Android! Last year I ran a panel, which was a lot of fun, but I'm better at geeking out with codez.

For anyone who's looking ahead to the session, you can find the slides here: and the code here:

If you're going, whether you get a chance to see my session or not, make sure you drop by booth 715. Anthony Franco will also be speaking along with Michael Clark of Photobucket, which you can read about at Anthony's blog.

See you there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Slides and Codes from my 360|iDev Talk

Thanks for everyone who made it to my talk on Persistence for the iPhone. 360 Conferences are always great, and I had a great time and learned a lot. Hopefully my session helped out a few people. Again, you can get the code here: And here are the slides:

Monday, March 2, 2009

At 360|iDev

I've been remiss in blogging about 360|iDev, but here I am. I'm really stoked about learning more about the platform and confirming suspicions about the right way to do things. So far it's looking good.

A bit about my session on Wednesday at 10:00. I'll be talking about NSUserDefaults, Settings bundles, and the "naked" SQLite3 C API. Then I'll go on to talk about FMDB which makes things a bit easier and also supports Rails-style migrations with FMDB-migration-manager. Then we'll see how ActiveRecord for iPhone works to make persistence dead simple. I hope this dovetails nicely with the talk Jeff LaMarche's talk on Tuesday, covering SQLitePersistentObjects.

More to come.